Motorized conveyors
- Conveyors of plate-type chains and their assemblies
These conveyors are used in different packaging and bottling lines for food and other products in order to organize technological flows of empty and full bottles, glass jars and other packaging units.
- Roller conveyors
Roller conveyors are used for the transportation of various packages, boxes, goods loaded on pallets, etc. They are widely used in warehousing systems, as well as unloading and moving different loads.
- PVC-band conveyors
Conveyors can be used in various industries – from confectionery product to building material production. Quality of band conveyors allows using them in such areas of high sanitary requirements as food, cosmetic products, and other industries.
- Modular band conveyors
Modular band conveyors are widely used in various industries. We offer a very broad selection of conveyor bands enabling to adapt the device precisely for the particular task.
If you would like to purchase this device, contact us by phone +370 5 205 2900 or e-mail us at info@pakmarkas.lt.
Find more options: Conveyors