Small quantities of labels

Fast label printing = Digital label printing

  • Recognised quality

Our digitally printed labels are distinguished by high quality. For example, even very small (1 mm) letters and other elements are printed in high resolution and are well readable.

  • Variable information

Each label may contain different information: number, barcode, QR code, etc.

  • No printing forms required

Digital label printing is beneficial to companies offering a wide range of products produced in small batches, e.g., when testing a product in a small market segment or introducing a new product at the exhibition.

  • Ink is environmentally friendly and safe for human health

Ink used by us is suitable for direct contact with food products.

  • Environmentally friendly printing

Digital printing procedure is globally treated as one of the most environmentally friendly printing methods in the modern world as it leaves a minimal amount of raw materials.

Contact us by phone +370 5 205 2900 or e-mail us at and we will be happy to discuss your needs and help you find the best solution.

If you are looking for other label solutions, visit here: Adhesive Labels.

Dažai nepavojingi aplinkai ir žmonių sveikatai

Naudojami dažai gali tiesiogiai liestis su maisto produktais.


Aplinkai draugiškas spausdinimas

Skaitmeninis spausdinimo procesas laikomas vienu iš labiausiai aplinką tausojančių spausdinimo būdu šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje – lieka minimalūs žaliavų kiekiai.


Etikečių lipdukų gamyba

Susisiekite telefonu +370 5 205 2900  arba el. paštu ir kartu aptarsime, kokios etiketės tinkamiausios būtent Jūsų produktui.

Ieškantiems kito sprendimo, siūlome pasidomėti kategorija: Lipnios etiketės